A day in Lima, Peru

A day in Lima, Peru

Waking at 5am for a 7:30am flight, we left San Francisco headed to Houston, Texas, and then on to Lima, Peru, arriving at 11:30pm.  It doesn’t look that far away on a map, but it took all day and night to get here.

How lovely to step outside this morning and find that we are smack on the beach overlooking the Pacific. Even though this is the tropics, and the desert, the weather here  is a beautiful and sunny 72° with the ocean carrying a slight breeze across the town.

The Beach

Peru is the second largest city in South America with a population of over 10 million people. It’s an amazing site to see that the roads all hug the coastline, bordered by the ocean, giant cliffs on the other side of the road reaching high into the sky. The Miraflores area, where we are staying, is an upscale residential and shopping district filled with restaurants, shopping, casinos, and nightclubs, all sitting on the edge of the cliffs overlooking the water.


The only thing I knew about Peruvian food was an irresistible sandwich we get from a food truck that comes to Alameda every other week.  That beautifully roasted pork sandwich with slices of sweet potato, and sautéed onions on crunchy French bread has been a long time fav.  When we looked it up on Trip Advisor, the number one rated food place was La Lucha Sangucheria, which makes Peruvian sandwiches, and this place did not disappoint!  This is what Peru is famous for…Total yummy!

Chicharron Sandwich – must have!!
Number One on Trip Advisor!

So far, the food has been a delight here. We found a seafood place not far from our hotel – Restaurant Alfresco.  The food was served with some fancy red and green sauces, all so good, over the freshest of fish.  The best part…$16 an entree.  Put this place on your list.

Chuck, chowin’ down on seared ahi and shrimp with coconut cream sauce.

Tomorrow we start the tour of the town…my one question – where do I find the llamas?


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Monie Thompson